Monday, December 11, 2006

Give It Up!

Hello There My Friends,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend despite the dreadful weather. I joined my pal Ruth Tillbrook and her lovely son Adam (who is 6 and a total star) at the Morrisons store in Chorley to help raise funds for McMillan Support.

I made the journey from my house on the train - I was surprised at the high standard of comfort! So my journey was more environmentally friendly than taking the car - an option I don't have at the moment and its a bit too far to run !

We met some lovely people and I wasn't quite prepared for the sheer number of people who donated and whose lives have been touched by cancer. There was one gentleman who fund raises for McMillan and also Christies who was a true inspiration and gave us a different donation - four Christmas beanie bears ! We wore them on our McMillan tops with pride !

I would encourage anyone who is able to give up a day or a weekend to raise funds for a charity like these - rather than sponsoring the local school's rugby club tour ?! I know different topics appeal to people and everyone is fully entitled to choice but consider the work that McMillan does and indeed Christies hospital and organisations that provide much needed support and care.

Ruth's husband Robin Tillbrook organised the events that also took place at the Leigh branch of Morrisons and Robin and Ruth know first hand how horrowing it can be to lose a person to cancer - sadly Robin lost his parents. So inspired by the work that McMillan do, Robin is joining a group of likeminded people to attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro on 16th February 2007 to raise even more money for the charity.

I would suggest that if you would like to donate to an extremely good cause please visit Robin's page on the web - I wish him all the very best and considering the amount of training that he and his colleagues are undertaking (one particular Old Man - hill !! - has never had so much attention). In the meantime Ruth is continuing to be my personal trainer as we may well attempt a 10k run for charity in the Spring too - the donations would be for an MS related charity.

Enjoy your week and hope the photos brighten up your day and inspire you to give generously please. And if you donated over the weekend at the Chorley or Leigh Morrison's Stores thank you for your generosity.

One final comment - Adam was at the store with his Mum from 9am on Saturday and was there til around half five. He was an absolute star - at one point when he was getting a litle tired we created a makeshift seat for him on some store baskets. Ruth asked him if he wanted his coat to sit on - his reply was a classic - "Mum I don't want to sit on it, I want to wear it Man !" - needless to say there's no doubt that Adam is his father's son - Robin's a Geordie !

From Your Friend The Energy Angel


At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jayne

Thanks for your help at the weekend I know it must have been difficult staying away from the glittering shops and malls of Manchester searching for that rare LV bag that may have slipped your collection! Seriously though thanks for the help and the blog, I think we managed to raise well in excess of £1000, I will confirm once I have counted it all.


Robin, Ruth and Adam xxxx


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